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Biodiversity Offsets

Shorebird, wading bird and waterfowl diversity, Cranberry Marsh, September 2020

Reader responses to: “Novel business plan: Companies can earn their social licence to operate by creating new habitat.”   It’s a great idea, but not a fast-enough solution. It takes several years for a habitat to recover and become sustainable. Then there’s the time required for all the flora and fauna to return to normal. […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2016

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Call of the wild. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Gains for a greener future; the health benefits of nature; counting salamanders; counting the Sydenham River Nature Reserve. 37 | Our Member Groups Membership has its rewards. 38 | Last Word Bolstering our environmental rights. By Anne Bell FEATURES […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2014

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2014

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueLegal action pays off.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchFields and feathers; thirty years of tracking herps; slow turtles, fast cars; guide helps planners protect Greenway; restoration work at Kinghurst; David and Goliath. 37 | Our Community  Krug legacy lives on. 35 | Our Member Groups  Nature London is 150 years young. 38 […]