4 | Earth Watch
Acid Rain: a look ahead; U.S. legislation will determine acid rain; transportation minister convicted over Highway 404; park planning gets the axe; a bad year for eastern Ontario birds; new federal policy on land-use; Wetlands Conference—a rousing success; a new endangered species for Ontario; friends of the bats; conservation project comes to Midland.

13 | Notes
Calling all retired business people: Nature needs you; seniors for nature; summer jobs in Ontario’s national parks.

60 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Breeding bird census; loon migration watch; beached bird survey.

62 | Groundswell
Speak out on Wetland Policy.
By Ron Reid


On the cover
17 | Celebrating Nature for 50 Years
FON’s fiftieth anniversary is a golden opportunity to look back at the people and events who made it what it is today.
By J. David Taylor

36 | Five Decades of Environmentalism
Fighting to protect what we love is what “environmentalism” is all about, and FON has fought well and consistently for 50 years.
By Ron Reid & Mike Singleton

42 | A House Reborn
After half a century of makeshift digs, FON now has a permanent, rent-free home — and a Conservation Centre for all naturalists.
By Janet Grand

46 | Nature Reserves: A History of Commitment
Buying or receiving land to preserve and protect it in its natural state is a tangible achievement of the Federation.
By David G. Wake

50 | The Next Half Century
The future depends on all of us reaching out to share our appreciation of nature. Tomorrow’s motto is — “Nature: Pass It On.”
By Peter Middleton

ON Nature Magazine Winter 1981 cover

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.

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Photos © John Shaw