2 | President’s Page
Looking forward to the next sixty.
By Mary E. Smith

7 | Earth Watch
Latest wetlands policy statement full of loopholes; Escarpment Plan: It’s here to stay; Big Chute: Big pity; A muddled wildlife strategy; a tale of two orphaned bears.

39 | Notes
Meet FON’s new executive director; staff profile—Marion Taylor conducts environmental warfare.

44 | Birder’s Notebook
Tower Kills: The lethal lure of light.
By Tim Tiner

46 | Groundswell
Hunting agreement dismembers Ontario’s first park.
By Marion Taylor


16 | Bon Echo: Popularity vs Protection
Like many heavily visited parks, Bon Echo faces the dilemma of showing off its natural features without compromising its integrity.
By Suzanne Kingsmill

22 | Manomin
James Whetung is nurturing the Kawarthas’ wild rice stands for wildlife and other gourmands.
By Alec Ross

26 | Grownups Go to Camp
When I signed up for Summer Camp, I wasn’t expecting cliff adventures, sunken ships or romantic sorties under the stars.
By Margaret Carney

30 | The Bisco Papers
When a naturalist volunteers for a land-use guidelines committee, she finds that the road to natural-areas protection is full of pitfalls.
By Frances Gualtieri

ON Nature Magazine Winter 1991 cover

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Photos © J.M. Callahan and Roger Turrall