5 |  This Issue
The Big Picture: Working toward a solution to climate change.
By Caroline Schultz

8 | Earth Watch
Forests get sprayed; quarry along Lake Superior shoreline gets the go-ahead; bringing back the chestnut; farming in Frontenac park ends; invasive gobies in the Great Lakes tributaries; climate change and the great lakes.

36 | Bird Watch
Chimney Swift—A once familiar urban dweller, Ontario’s latest bird at risk is in free fall and global warming may be the key cause.
By Tim Tiner

40 | In House
Hundreds of participants attend Ontario Nature’s Conservation Fair; five member groups celebrate 25 years of conservation.

42 | Last Word
The green energy act isn’t so green when wind farms threaten sensitive habitat and wildlife.
By Douglas Hunter


18 | The New World Order
Every corner of the province could be profoundly altered by climate change. How will plants and animals feel the impact of rising temperatures? Some may benefit from a greater range of habitat while others may become locally extinct.
By Allan Britnell

22 | Power Struggles
Climate change demands that we develop alternative sources of renewable energy. Queen’s Park is pushing hard to increase the use of biomass—fuel from crops, grasses and wood pellets. But even green power comes with an environmental price tag.
By John Lorinc

28 | Farming for the Future
More heat may increase food production. It might also accelerate plant diseases, spoilage and soil erosion. How can farmers prepare for global warming?
By Ray Ford

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2009 cover

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Photos © Tom Rook and Robert McGraw