2 | President’s Page
Saving the natural world—with a little help from your friends.
By Mary E. Smith

5 | Earth Watch
Local residents strongly oppose park in northeast; E.R.C.A. seeks to convert wetland to golf course; “Forests for Tomorrow” up at bat; peregrines nest in Ontario after 20-year absence; O.M.B. decisions show a hint of green; who is protecting this class 1 wetland? Will drawdown restore diversity at Wye Marsh?; plan for Bon Echo a mixed bag; Group of Seven mountain saved from mining.

41 | Conference Report
FON’s 59th Annual Conference, held in Thunder Bay.

44 | Birder’s Notebook
Flocks and fat: how black-caps survive winter.
By Susan Lempriere

46 | Groundswell
Who’s really making the decisions about our forests?
By Marion (Strebig) Taylor


16 | Greening the Land
Ever dream of taking a large piece of land and creating a habitat for wildlife? Meet two naturalists who did so.
By Brad Cundiff

20 | Photo Firsts
Presenting this year’s crop of winners from our Photo Salon, plus the photographers’ reflections on how they got their best shot.

On the cover
24 | Turning the Tide
Shorelines have been stripped and smothered in an attempt to “clean up” waterfront. Here’s how to reverse the process.
By Suzanne Kingsmill

29 | Leapin’ Lizards!
To study five-lined skinks, start early in the morning when they’re cool and sluggish. At least as sluggish as skinks get.
By David Seburn

ON Nature Magazine Autumn 1990 cover

ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.

The cost of an annual subscription is $50. If you are a senior citizen (65+) or a student, you can subscribe for a discounted rate of $40.

For just $9.95, you can purchase any single issue of the award-winning magazine. We also have back issues going back to 1970!

For more information or to purchase a single issue, please contact Kate, your member relations coordinator, at 416-444-8419 ext. 233 or

Photos © John Powell and Judie Shore