5 | President’s Page
By Robert B. Stewart
6 | Earth Watch
Vital Canada Wildlife Services programs slashed—while the armed forces gets new uniforms; new floodplain regulations cause concern; Ontario parks finally on the move; Ontario parks on the auction block; new foundation to finance conservation; Mingan Islands to become new National Park.
11 | Notes
Young Naturalists Camp; Nature Niagara ’84; in memoriam: William W.H. Gunn.
38 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists
Ontario breeding bird atlas.
On the cover
16 | The Wild Gardener
Despite a bad reputation for robbing the wild, wildflower gardening is catching on. Here’s how to do it safely and properly.
By James Hodgins
23 | Iceland: The Unfinished Land
Join FON’s tour of Iceland, where bountiful wildlife flourishes hand-in-hand with intensive resource use.
By Ron Reid and Janet Grand
28 | Looking over Hamilton
Humans have exploited this region for its gravel deposits and harbour, but wildlife too find it extremely congenial.
By Peter Thoem
40 | Petrel Point’s Fen
A detailed study of FON’s enlarged nature reserve on the Bruce, with a flower-by-flower walk through the rare fen.
By Stewart Hills
44 | Atlas Countdown
If you haven’t yet participated in the FON’s breeding bird atlas, do it now: this is its last year and your last chance.
By Michael Cadman
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Christopher Litteljohn and Barry Griffiths