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ON Nature Magazine Autumn 2012

ON Nature Magazine Autumn 2012

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueKeeping the wild in wilderness: Good policy is as important as nature reserves.By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth WatchProvince refuses to ban hunting snapping turtles; sustainable aggregate extraction; a park for everyone; an unlikely home for bank swallows; the Nature Guardians’ big year; Board of Directors vice-president Kevin Shackleton talks about […]

Unfinished Business

Preservation Park, Guelph within Hanlon Creek watershed

Re: “Unfinished Business” [Spring 2010] The Guelph Field Naturalists (GFN) would like to express our disappointment with your article “Risky Business” [Autumn 2009], which reported on the proposed Hanlon Creek Business Park (HCBP) development in Guelph. The article is riddled with misinformation and was written in a biased manner. In addition, neither City of Guelph […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1999

Seasons Magazine Summer 1999

DEPARTMENTS 5 | In This Issue The birth of new parks, but the slow demise of conservation areas? By Nancy Clark 6 | Earth Watch Forest Accord underpins Lands for Life deal; Ottawa risks species-at-risk; Arnprior residents bid for old-growth forest; survey suggests decline in forest birds; efforts to save softshell turtle slow but steady. […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Conservation at many levels. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Five years and $20 million later, it’s business as usual; signs of rebirth for the Ontario park system; wetlands home to Black Terns—and treated effluent; revisions to Escarpment Plan go to cabinet; sustainable forestry gets a boost; is draft […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1989

Seasons Magazine Summer 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Is corporate Canada changing its attitude toward the environment? By Doug Thomas 4 | Earth Watch Long-waited wetlands policy pushes flexibility rather than protection; Kerrio delivers remaining parks; the future direction of Quetico; Niagara Escarpment up for grabs? 43 | Notes Welcoming Lincoln Alexander; wetlands publication hot off the press; […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

Seasons Magazine Spring 1989

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s great constitutional debate. By Doug Thomas 8 | Earth Watch Plans for high-impact tourism threaten Sibley and other parks; new gravel-pit act pronounced weak; major changes for conservation authorities?; Algonquin Park master plan under review; Bon Echo Park: whittling away wilderness. 14 | Around Ontario Pelee Island’s endangered snakes […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1988

Seasons Magazine Summer 1988

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page From the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. By Charles Pryer 4 | Earth Watch Ontario government severely limits non-conforming uses in parks; Wainfleet Bog protected; trapping just one concern in Quetico review; Securing a trees conservation bylaw: a case history; charting a new course for Great Lakes coasts; timber class environmental […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1986

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1986

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Charles Pryer 4 | Earth Watch Ontario cabinet must veto non-conforming uses in provincial parks; three dams proposed for Magpie River; update on Backus Woods; resolution calls for timber harvests on authority lands; more acid rain run-around; citizens’ hearings on Great Lakes water pollution; Ministry of the Environment announces […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1986

Seasons Magazine Summer 1986

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s PageBy Robert B. Stewart 4 | Earth WatchNielsen reports deliver positive thrusts and potential threats; highway through Keswick Marsh cancelled; privatization of Ontario parks is over; future of the Spanish River under review; Ontario Conservation Strategy in the making; cottages in provincial parks; wetland policy moving at a snail’s pace; acid […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1985

Seasons Magazine Spring 1985

DEPARTMENTS 5 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 6 | Earth Watch Vital Canada Wildlife Services programs slashed—while the armed forces gets new uniforms; new floodplain regulations cause concern; Ontario parks finally on the move; Ontario parks on the auction block; new foundation to finance conservation; Mingan Islands to become new National Park. 11 […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1982

Seasons Magazine Summer 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Two native sites gain global status; the Ontario Waste Management Corporation; raccoon dogs—an environmental hazard; falcons for sale; parks update; adopt a dump; natural areas of provincial significance; Gypsy Moths: threat to Ontario Forests; overwhelming support for wetlands. 10 | Notes Ontario wetland information; FON scholarship; “Seasons” an award-winner; a […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

Seasons Magazine Spring 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid Rain Report seeks controls; a report card on the Great Lakes; a Habitat Trust for Canada?; no news is bad news on parks; protecting the northern environment; escarpment defenders scores points; laying waste to lakeshore; Crown Game Preserves abandoned; new prospects for peat; South Cayuga wins a reprieve; new […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1980

Seasons Magazine Summer 1980

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch How to save the world; protect eagles, kill whales: U.S. study reveals surprising attitudes; swan song of the whales: the last gasp? no crown for Mother Nature in latest Throne Speech; the Niagara Escarpment: the crunch cometh; poisoned fish: some qualified good news; Copeland Forest: a government venture into commercial […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine August 1977

Ontario Naturalist Magazine August 1977

DEPARTMENTS 27 | FON News Highlights of the past year. 28 | Bird Report Winter 1976-1977. By Clive E. Goodwin 30 | Around Ontario Environmentally sensitive area concept spreads; Golden Winged Woods in planning controversy; trapping, hunting become major park issues. 32 | From Ottawa/Queen’s Park Dredging policies; Burwash Industrial Farm site; land drainage polices […]