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ON Nature Magazine Summer 2012

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2012

DEPARTMENTS 6 | This IssueThree strikes: The Province puts wildlife protection at risk.By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth WatchCounting kestrels for conservation; tips for perfect canoe trips; Malcolm Bluff Shores now fully protected; hundreds of participants attend Ontario Nature’s wetlands conference; all creatures great and small on our nature reserves; remembering Dr. Martin Edwards. 36 […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2004

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2004

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Decision Time: We need to stop the ongoing degradation of our fresh water. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Join the spring owl survey; protest the Red Hill Creek Expressway; stop the quarry in rare bird habitat; protect the escarpment from development. 15 | Profile The Riverkeeper: Lara Van […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1986

Seasons Magazine Winter 1986

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Decision on cottages in provincial parks shirks responsibility; agreement in principle reached on Bruce Park; national marine park policy announced; watercourse edge policy deserves emulation; Baskerville report released; Ellesmere Island National Park created at last; securing Ontario wetlands; untaxing nature; trumpeter swan project chalks up best year yet; ospreys and […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1984

Seasons Magazine Spring 1984

DEPARTMENTS 6 | Earth Watch Life in the future with the “Greenhouse Effect”; Caccia defends parks policy in Pukaskwa; the good-news greens are coming; conference on wetlands scores promise, not policy; only breeding peregrine shot; 750 moose downed by computer error; coalition on acid rain drafts INCO clean-up plan; hydro power transmission route under fire; […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine May 1976

Ontario Naturalist Magazine May 1976

DEPARTMENTS 32 | FON News Annual Meeting Report: FON Resolutions, conservation winners. 36 | Nature Photography By Elaine Edwards 38 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa New Brunswick spraying kills millions of songbirds; modest gains for Great Lake waters cleanup; St. Lawrence Islands expansion controversial. 40 | Around the Province Rondeau classified as Natural Environment Park; Second […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1971

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1971

4 | Ontario’s Pelican Islands By Barry Ranford 10 | In Search of the Butterwort By Paul Catling & Sheila McKay 14 | Naturalists and the Environment By Martin H. Edwards 18 | The Peregrine Falcon By Ken Carmichael 20 | Essence of Orchids By Douglas Sadler 24 | Moose Heaven is a Valley By […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1970

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1970

4 | The Bruce Trail… Ten Years After By Ray Lewis 7 | Tourism: Oversell and Undersupply By Wayne McLaren 8 | All Gassed Up — No Place To Go! By Frank Beales 10 | Snowmobiles — For Pleasure, Profit and Pollution By Philip S. Corbet 13 | Birds, Birdwatching and Record-Keeping By Clive Goodwin […]