DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Decision Time: We need to stop the ongoing degradation of our fresh water. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Join the spring owl survey; protest the Red Hill Creek Expressway; stop the quarry in rare bird habitat; protect the escarpment from development. 15 | Profile The Riverkeeper: Lara Van […]
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Tag: water pollution
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1987
DEPARTMENTS 4 | President’s Page By Charles Pryer 5 | Earth Watch New bear-hunting restrictions don’t go far enough; Kerrio delivers good news at annual conference; Bruce National Park is born; ANSI program receives a boost; new ways for new parks. 11 | Annual Conference FON’s 56th Annual Conference, held in Port Dover. FEATURES On […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1986
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Decision on cottages in provincial parks shirks responsibility; agreement in principle reached on Bruce Park; national marine park policy announced; watercourse edge policy deserves emulation; Baskerville report released; Ellesmere Island National Park created at last; securing Ontario wetlands; untaxing nature; trumpeter swan project chalks up best year yet; ospreys and […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1986
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Charles Pryer 4 | Earth Watch Ontario cabinet must veto non-conforming uses in provincial parks; three dams proposed for Magpie River; update on Backus Woods; resolution calls for timber harvests on authority lands; more acid rain run-around; citizens’ hearings on Great Lakes water pollution; Ministry of the Environment announces […]