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Fall 2024

Endangered, Bogbean buckmoth, Cover,

Ontario Nature is the voice for wild species and wild spaces in Ontario. Its award-winning quarterly magazine, ON Nature, is an authoritative source of engaging environmental content that inspires and informs. Contributors include award-winning journalists, photographers, and leading conservation experts. The magazine brings readers closer to nature. Experience the great outdoors, even when you’re indoors. […]

Model Forests

Thank you for the feature by Ian Coutts, in the Winter 2021 issue, about Edmund Zavitz’s extraordinary reforestation efforts. During the centennial of the Reforestation Act, our family is celebrating 51 years of forest stewardship in Lanark County thanks to the remarkable legacy of agreement forests. You can read about it in the December 2020, […]

Summer 2010

Summer 2010

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueHow much for that ecosystem?By Caroline Schultz On the cover24 | Songs of the BobolinkSmall changes on farmlands could help reverse the steep decline of a grassland species whose joyous chorus once filled the air.By Cecily Ross 8 | Earth WatchOntario Nature’s Biodiversity Watch List; more reasons to go outside; the […]

Going Wild

Rooftop gardens, naturalization, restoration, pollinator garden, urban habitat restoration, urban nature, habitat restoration

As a long-time member and subscriber, I read with interest ‘Going Wild‘ by David Israelson in the Summer 2021 issue of ON Nature (page 30). I commenced employment at the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) in 1979 eventually, through reclassifications, becoming Operations Manager until 1996. I oversaw all the conservation areas including Lynde Shores. […]

Summer 2021

38 | Last Word Protecting Nature on Unceded Lands. By Tom Cowie 36 | Our Member Groups  Saving a Unique Landscape. By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community   Celebrating the Life of a Dedicated Birder. By Kirsten Dahl ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural […]

Lawns Vs. Habitat

Toronto suburbs and lawns

There is an area of urban land that we need to change or at least modify. If all of this land in Canada was joined together we would have an area equal to the size of British Columbia. Presently this land is completely wasted due to a useless cultural practice that benefits an industry and […]

Biodiversity Offsets

Shorebird, wading bird and waterfowl diversity, Cranberry Marsh, September 2020

Reader responses to: “Novel business plan: Companies can earn their social licence to operate by creating new habitat.”   It’s a great idea, but not a fast-enough solution. It takes several years for a habitat to recover and become sustainable. Then there’s the time required for all the flora and fauna to return to normal. […]

Summer 2020

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A new normal.By Caroline Schultz 7 | Earth Watch Great Lakes Guide, Nature reserve restoration, Bear hunt resumes, New fish in Junction Creek And more… 38 | Last Word Nature’s slide toward sameness. By Rachel Plotkin 37 | Our Community   Revitalizing our relationship with Mother Earth. By Kirsten Dahl 36 […]

Cambridge Pollinator Preserve

Cambridge Pollinator Preserve

Hello fellow Pollinators, Having read articles in the spring (Pollinator campaign targets schools) and summer issues (Stratford joins Bee City program) of ON Nature magazine about pollination – I would like to take the opportunity to advise that the Ancient Mariners Canoe Club in Cambridge, Ontario have developed over the past several years a 1-hectare […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2015

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2015

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Cornerstone of a greener Ontario. By Caroline Schultz 7 | Letters Eye-opener; cottagers as stewards; getting the tracks straight. 8 | Earth Watch COSEWIC review; island threatened; BioBlitz 2015; reserve repairs; bird-friendly glass; biocontrol; turtle tracking; Greenbelt celebrates 10th anniversary, atlas update. 36 | Our Community   Waiting-room conservation. 37 | […]

Bank Swallow

Bank Swallow

Re: “Over a burrow” in ON Nature, fall 2014 I am encouraged by the enlightened attitude of Canada Building Materials towards the bank swallows nesting in their sand and gravel pits. The company’s “live and let live” policy serves as a model for other aggregate operations. Perhaps though, in concert with bank-swallow friendly aggregate policies, […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2005

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2005

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Happy Anniversary: Congratulations to our members for making Ontario a better place for three-quarters of a century. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Tall grass prairie in peril; herbicide kills more than just weeds; rejuvenating a forest. 15 | Profile Tree Hugger—Environmental commissioner and Ontario Nature life member Gord […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Expanding our view of protection. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Report on Niagara Escarpment plan seriously flawed; timber plan covets prime caribou habitat; wetlands policy already being challenged; how will huge timber cuts affect Quetico. 42 | Notes Final year of fieldwork for provisional Mammal Atlas; update on […]

Seasons magazine Winter 1992

Seasons magazine Winter 1992

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Are we meddling or making amends? By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Wetlands implementation guidelines fall short; mini-Sewell document from MMA; mixed reviews of “New Planning News”; draft evaluation system scores low; timber operators decline along with white pine; beetle biocontrol is closer; old growth advisory focuses on consumption; […]