5 | This Issue
A time of rejuvenation.
By Caroline Schultz
6 | Earth Watch
A guide to spiders, counting reptile roadkill, reducing bird strikes, partnership for pollinators, Indigenous perspectives on conservation offsets.
35 | Our Member Groups
A golden jubilee.
By Lisa Richardson
36 | Our Community
Sydenham River joins Ontario Nature’s nature reserve system.
By Portia Mohlmann
38 | Last Word
Hunting turtles is a dangerous game.
By David Seburn and Scott Gillingwater
On the cover
18 | On the Trail of Adventure
Hiking the extensive Bruce Trail can be a month-long feat of endurance or a leisurely piecemeal exploration. A few people who trekked the entire trail describe their most memorable experiences and offer advice for novices.
By Conor Mihell
24 | Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Each spring, vernal pools serve as nurseries for frogs and salamanders before drying up from the summer
heat. But warming temperatures and human activity are shortening the already brief lifespans of such pools, potentially spelling doom for woodland amphibians.
By Don Scallen
30 | The Great Invasion
An army of foreign pests, from emerald ash borers to Asian longhorned beetles, is attacking Ontario’s trees. The latest incursion, by an insect that kills hemlocks, could devastate entire ecosystems that depend on these trees – unless a defense is mounted quickly.
By Mike Henry
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Macroscopic Solutions CC BY-NC 2.0, Willy Waterton, Willy Waterton