6 | This Issue
Winning the War on Invasives: Make sure to keep alien plants out of your garden.
By Caroline Schultz

8 | Earth Watch
Green priorities on the political agenda; painting turbines purple; the much-anticipated first signs of spring; chopping up the moraine; frogs to the rescue; meet the President of Ontario Nature’s Board of Directors.

36 | Bird Watch
Rusty Blackbird: Severe habitat loss, climate change and pollution have caused a precipitous drop in these sublimely coloured birds.
By Tim Tiner

40 | In House
Donor spotlight: Nature Canada supports Malcolm Bluff Shores.

42 | Last Word
Coal is a Killer: Time to shut down Ontario’s dirtiest energy source.
By Gideon Forman


18 | The Conservation Brigade
Whether advocating for wildlife, tending a nature reserve, or guiding field trips, our member groups form a grassroots network through a shared passion for nature.
By Allan Britnell

22 | Natural Invaders
Non-native plants can be an eco-catastrophe, degrading sensitive habitats and diminishing biodiversity. Where and how to draw the battle lines in the fight against alien species is now a topic of heated debate.
By Lorraine Johnson

On the cover
28 | Beach Birds
A band of dedicated volunteers works round the clock to save the embattled piping plover, a bird that favours waterfront views, fusses over its food, and builds nests on the sand.
By Denis Seguin

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2011 cover

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Photos © Jo Taylor, Scott Fairbairn and Ethan Meleg