5 | View from Locke House
Saying Goodbye: After five and a half years, it’s time for a new view.
By Nancy Clark
8 | Earth Watch
Reporting on the OLL; the decline of the goblin fern; species-at-risk list grows; alarming decrease in the number of boreal bird species; profiling bad fish; on the trail of the elusive eastern cougar; restoring the wetlands.
15 | The Seasoned Pro
The Bug Man: Entomologist Marvin Gunderman loves his bugs.
By Sharon Oosthoek
On the cover
38 | Field Trip
Getting to know Ontario’s snakes.
By Victoria Foote
41 | Day One
Islands in The Mist: Sailing through fog and wind to the Slate Islands.
By Michael O’Reilly
44 | FON Report
Southern Ontario Woodlands Project going strong; spend a day with the Carden Field Naturalists.
46 | Endpoint
How the consumer can take on corporations by buying green.
By Nicola Ross
18 | Paddling Leopold’s North Country
Retracing the route the “father of the New Conservation Movement” took through Quetico Provincial Park.
By Kevin Callan
24 | West Nile Virus
What its impact on our wildlife is and why we shouldn’t spray.
By Gregor Beck
28 | The Water’s Falling
The puzzling ebb and flow of the Great Lakes’ water levels.
By Douglas Hunter
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Ethan Meleg, Ron Erwin and Jon Boxall