DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue One Big Contributor: Saying goodbye to Gregor Beck. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Oak Ridges Moraine update; no EA for proposed quarry along Lake Superior; caribou population in decline. 15 | Profile Miracle Worker—Absent for the province since the 1700’s, the trumpeter swan is back thanks to Harry […]
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Tag: bald eagle
Seasons Magazine Winter 1996
DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Stalled guidelines hurt Ontario’s caribou; just published: FON’s guide to forest management; international spotlight aimed at Temagami; bald eagles number up, loggerhead shrikes down; our last chance for roadless wilderness; nonprofit corporation to hold forestry licence in Muskoka; new rules apply to forest management. 35 | Insider FON open house […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1994
DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Land trusts taking off in Ontario. By Adam Thomson 7 | Earth Watch Municipal power shift weakens natural heritage policy; call for changes to Ontario’s weed act; anarchy over wetlands policy implementation; MNR takes further steps to protect old growth; unhappy trails: snowmobiles changing face of rural Ontario; Wabakimi’s fate […]
Seasons Magazine Winter 1986
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Decision on cottages in provincial parks shirks responsibility; agreement in principle reached on Bruce Park; national marine park policy announced; watercourse edge policy deserves emulation; Baskerville report released; Ellesmere Island National Park created at last; securing Ontario wetlands; untaxing nature; trumpeter swan project chalks up best year yet; ospreys and […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1983
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Federal wildlife guidelines aim to please; MNR weakens on wetlands; MNR fails to defend Alfred Bog; Pukaskwa is officially a National Park; final proposed plan submitted for Niagara escarpment; land use guidelines released; acid rain campaign turns a corner; MNR Obonga Road appealed to environment minister; bald eagles return to […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1982
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Salamanders vulnerable to acid rain; wetlands: stand up and be counted; grassroots action to stop acid rain; park’s supporters play the Minister’s game; little games on non-game; peregrine falcon returns—home?; new life for American endangered species; caribou news; in recognition of Canadian rivers; nature club to the rescue. 10 | […]
Seasons Magazine Autumn 1980
DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Acid rain: starting at the top; Tobermory Islands: a new national park; Great Lakes report: the land as a polluter; Bald Eagle bites back; road through Killarney? The consultant says no; Algonquin Park’s future: the uncertainty persists; environmental survey probes Ontario psyche; Niagara Escarpment: public hearings continue; environmental issues attract […]