8 | Earth Watch
Stalled guidelines hurt Ontario’s caribou; just published: FON’s guide to forest management; international spotlight aimed at Temagami; bald eagles number up, loggerhead shrikes down; our last chance for roadless wilderness; nonprofit corporation to hold forestry licence in Muskoka; new rules apply to forest management.
35 | Insider
FON open house includes workshops, tour of Locke House, door prizes; 65th Anniversary Dinner.
38 | Reflections
With Grace.
By James Raffan
16 | Consuming Ways
Why do brown creepers have thin, curved bills? Why do starlings’ intestines grow longer as winter approaches? Every bird has its gastronomic secrets.
By Michael Runtz
On the cover
22 | Nature Guide to Ontario
The FON’s soon-to-be-published book highlights over 600 sites. Previewed here are four top destinations in southern Ontario.
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
The cost of an annual subscription is $50. If you are a senior citizen (65+) or a student, you can subscribe for a discounted rate of $40.
For just $9.95, you can purchase any single issue of the award-winning magazine. We also have back issues going back to 1970!
For more information or to purchase a single issue, please contact Kate, your member relations coordinator, at 416-444-8419 ext. 233 or
Photos © Jim Flynn and Robert McCaw