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Seasons Magazine Autumn 1995

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1995

DEPARTMENTS 7 | Earth Watch Lead shot banned for waterfowl hunting; can Quetico’s wilderness survive?; forest management; Temagami: five lost years; the Morris Tract: a jewel in our midst. 27 | Birder’s Notebook Were they just quiet today? By Ted Cheskey 35 | Insider New structure for FON council; conference report. FEATURES 14 | Presqu’ile […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1995

Seasons Magazine Spring 1995

DEPARTMENTS 9 | Earth Watch Westside Marsh: Wetland or quarry?; subdivision threatens Lynde Marsh; still no final word on Wabakimi; 404 extension: road going nowhere?; still timber, not forest, management; Algonquin timber plan revisited. 40 | Insider Eagerly awaiting our first easement; invasive species brochure in the works. 43 | Birder’s Notebook Stalking the elusive […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

Seasons Magazine Spring 1997

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Season This special issue takes a look at a new conservation strategy for Ontario’s landbirds that will protect birds before they get into trouble. By Margaret Webb 6 | Earth Watch How green is your classroom?; nature untaxed; Harris government undermining environmental protection; Nature’s Best protected area strategy; Wabakimi park to […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Stalled guidelines hurt Ontario’s caribou; just published: FON’s guide to forest management; international spotlight aimed at Temagami; bald eagles number up, loggerhead shrikes down; our last chance for roadless wilderness; nonprofit corporation to hold forestry licence in Muskoka; new rules apply to forest management. 35 | Insider FON open house […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1984

Seasons Magazine Winter 1984

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch The insecticide/chemical backlash: losing ground to the mosquito; Mr Pope: where are our promised parks?; will the forester’s axe fall on South Moresby?; fish used to test pollution level; Quebec moves to limit acid rain; the dynamite politics of wetlands; monarch habitat saved; bird atlas nears home stretch. 10 | […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1983

Seasons Magazine Spring 1983

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Pop cans make a comeback; Bruce park gains local support; land of the white pine; tightening-up use of Crown land; booster for natural heritage; tax reform only for some; clear support for wetlands; Sudbury environmental study released; forest management to have environmental review, maybe; Minister’s forums draw crowds; Ontario Breeding […]

Ontario Naturalist Early Winter 1978

Ontario Naturalist Early Winter 1978

DEPARTMENTS 38 | Bird Report 1978 spring migration. By Clive E. Goodwin 39 | FON News Environment on Trial revised. 41 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Environmental assessment regulation proposed for municipalities; Royal Commission on Northern Environment revamped; provincial parks policy released; national parks policy under review. 43 | Around Ontario Controversy in West Montrose about […]