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Seasons Magazine Autumn 1992

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1992

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Leaving a legacy of warblers. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Wetlands policy—at last somebody listened; trees act revisions lack fibre; beetle to battle Purple loosestrife; Bill 162: push it through; quality cuts: Bracebridge tries selection harvest; more stands may fall as Missinaibi’s plan stalls; shrike habitat shrinks; logging […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1991

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1991

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Finding your place in the FON. By Mary E. Smith 7 | Earth Watch Seeking solutions to Ontario’s planning conundrums; Tax rebate program needs support; Minister endorses plans for Algonquin; Little action on Purple Loosestrife; The lethal load of lead shot; Ontario sets up study for moraine; Hydro hearings kick […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Thoughts on our park system. By Mary E. Smith 8 | Notes ONRS seeks records. 9 | Earth Watch Missinaibi a test case for waterway parks; Scotsdale’s old growth logged; more motorboat access sought in Quetico Park; conservation authority builds in wetland; new Trees Act for private lands. 15 | […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1990

Seasons Magazine Spring 1990

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page FON’s burst of growth in 1980s a harbinger of exciting 1990s. By Doug Thomas 6 | Earth Watch Ganaraska report: the answer to Project X; Grey County sizzles over Sydenham mills; SPOF2 seeking healthy aquatic ecosystems; cleaning up the rocky Saugeen; forestry hearing: Industry is next; talking about old-growth forests; […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1985

Seasons Magazine Winter 1985

DEPARTMENTS 4 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 5 | Earth Watch Conservation groups exert pressure: dam proposal for Missinaibi dropped; environmental assessment slapped on road extension; sobering facts on acid rain; federal study released on proposed Bruce Park; good news comes out of parks conference; nonconforming uses in this wilderness park? 13 | […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1975

Ontario Naturalist Magazine June 1975

DEPARTMENTS 32 | FON News The Pickering Airport. 35 | From Ottawa National parks; new flood control policy. 38 | Around the Province Non-refillable can and bottle update; parks council begins hearings, Blackstone Harbour Provincial Park; mercury pollution; Fisher Harbour proposal; Caledon official plan in preparation. FEATURES 4 | Ontario’s Endangered Butterfly By Darryl Stewart […]