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Winter 2021

38 | Last Word Ontario Wetlands Deserve Better. By Anne Bell 34 | Our Member Groups  A Triumph in Oxford County By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community   (Im)patiently Waiting for Pollinators By Peter Soroye ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, […]

Neonic Lawsuit Ruling

Neonic Lawsuit Ruling

Re: The Disappointing Decision on the Neonic Lawsuit To the Editor of ON Nature, Further to Anne Bell’s Neonic lawsuit article, the Blue Mountain Watershed Trust Foundation has monitored the use of pesticides applied by seven golf courses in the Collingwood area for over 10 years. The area golf courses are using Class 9 Pesticides […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2018

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2018

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Wild at heart. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Indigenous solar project; Bee City expansion; monitoring mudpuppies; protecting Ojibway Shores. 36 | Member Groups Bird safety group turns 25. By Noah Cole 37 | Our Community Protecting nature for future generations. By Kirsten Dahl 38 | Last Word A […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2017

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2017

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Fostering community conservation. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Great Lakes grasshopper; engaging northern citizen scientists; another successful summit; a new wetland guide; Master Naturalists program expands. 36 | Our Member Groups Habitat corridors protect Hamilton’s pollinators. By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community A legacy of dedication to […]

Cambridge Pollinator Preserve

Cambridge Pollinator Preserve

Hello fellow Pollinators, Having read articles in the spring (Pollinator campaign targets schools) and summer issues (Stratford joins Bee City program) of ON Nature magazine about pollination – I would like to take the opportunity to advise that the Ancient Mariners Canoe Club in Cambridge, Ontario have developed over the past several years a 1-hectare […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2016

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueNature’s bond.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchProtecting Grasslands in Forks of the Credit; Safe haven for spiny softshell turtles; Want to protect the hog-nosed snake? Don’t hog the beach; Creating a buzz; Keep Common Species Common – American bullfrog; Citizen science success; From waste site to a nature reserve; Missed […]

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2015

ON Nature Magazine Summer 2015

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueEmbracing conservation.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Boosting conservation in the Greenbelt Tracking fish in the Toronto Harbour Wild edible plants app Master Naturalist Program Bird-friendly coffee with Birds and Beans Bioslicks and Lake Simcoe Ragweed on the rise with climate change Ontario Nature’s Nature Reserves infographic Yellow-banded bumblebees, species […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2014

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2014

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueProtect our pollinators.By Caroline Schultz 6 | LettersA culture of fear. 8 | Earth WatchProtecting Lake Superior shoreline; crunchy cattails; missing frog; stewardship on the farm; shoreline naturalization; hiking hotspots; roadside habitat; coal-free Ontario; Rouge Park fixes; childhood friends reunite. 36 | Our Community  Eco-heroes walk among us. 37 | Our Member […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2010

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2010

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue The power of partnerships: Working together for conservation. By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth Watch Stand up for nature; a royal rebound; the buzz is gone; join the club; plants inhale 123 billion tonnes of carbon each year; living fences; power plant struggles in King Township. 38 | Bird Watch […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2009

Temagami old growth pine forest

DEPARTMENTS 5 |  This IssueBattling the Bureaucracy: The impenetrable environmental assessment process.By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth WatchNew ideas about old-growth forests; kayakers clean up in Georgian Bay; green alternatives to salt; Guelph development encroaches on rare species habitat. On the cover28 | Urban NaturePlan Bee: In the wake of the mysterious honeybee die-off, a […]