18 | The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes
The fluctuations in water levels that make residents clamour for intervention are essential to maintaining local habitats. Can the temptation to meddle in natural cycles in place since the ice age be resisted? By Conor Mihell
24 | Trumpeting a Victory
Trumpeter swans have staged a remarkable recovery, thanks largely to a decades-long volunteer effort. A look inside a restoration program that brought a cherished species back from near extinction. By Patricia Hluchy

30 | Going Wild
As the movement to “re-wild” properties spreads, so do conflicts among neighbours and authorities. One person’s untended haven of biodiversity is another’s weedy eyesore. By David Israelson
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Photos © Don Johnston, Don Johnston, Duncan Rawlinson, Ron Erwin, Viv Lynch, Quiet Fyre, Allan Joyner/Friends of the Carp Hills, Gabby Zagorski