5 | View from Locke House
Holding back the concrete at Leslie and the 401.
By Nancy Clark
6 | Earth Watch
Picton watershed saved; after Lands for Life: what now?; Rondeau Bay kept clean; reduce emissions: car share; compost this; 31 additional species now at risk; Lyme disease vaccine approved; Pickering signs easement deal; new report helps local governments protect birds; MNR’s clearcutting policies under fire.
18 | This Season
Why Mike Nemeroski wants to save the chestnut tree — plus a roundup of tree diseases.
By Brad Cundiff
37 | Insider
Hard work ahead says conference speakers.
46 | Reflections
How to photograph a weasel.
By Robert McCaw
On the cover
22 | Hiking the Oak Ridges Moraine
The Oak Ridges Moraine offers a cool autumn retreat from Toronto’s urban sprawl.
By Lorraine Johnson
27 | Hot Shots
A gallery of winning photos from Seasons’ 1999 photo contest.
31 | The Untouchables
Five beautiful but poisonous plants.
By Richard Aaron
ON Nature magazine is an award-winning quarterly that brings readers closer to nature by exploring Ontario’s natural species and spaces, and providing insight on pressing conservation issues.
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Photos © Linda Baker, Richie Tripp and Andrew Leyerle