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Edmund Zavitz

Saugeen-Bruce Peninsula forest and Georgian Bay shoreline

Thank-you, thank-you for publishing Ian Coutts article about Ontario’s father of forestry. I trained as a forester many years ago and was very much inspired by the work of foresters such as Zavitz. It always breaks my heart that so little is known about the love of ecology that so many foresters have. We are […]

Forestry Policy

Forestry Policy

Re: Closing the Loop on Forest Protection? I am a retired forester and a long-time member of Ontario Nature. Concerning your recent article in the 2019 Spring issue of the ON Nature magazine, my take is this: You say that licenced companies under the Forest Stewardship Council certification process – by the way, American companies […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2018

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2018

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A dull roar. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch BioBlitz challenge; disappearing turtles; neonics fight continues; Picturing Protection photo contest winners. 36 | Member Groups Nature Network flourishes in the east. By Lisa Richardson 37 | Our Community Conservation heroes recognized. By Jaklynn Nimec 38 | Last Word Forestry […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2014

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2014

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueHalf empty.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch American marten in focus New nature sanctuary in Lanark County Ontario Nature Youth Summit Glen Murray, Ontario’s first Minister of Environment and Climate Change How wood frogs brave the winter Notable hog-nosed snake sighting Winter animal tracking 101 Toxic fallout at Grassy Narrows […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2013

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2013

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueFool’s gold: Under the guide of efficiency and streamlining the government tarnished the Endangered Species Act.By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth WatchSafer roads for wildlife; going mobile with the new reptile and amphibian app; cutting on private woodlots; the plight of the monarch; top two nature photos; Pickering Airport now. 35 […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2011

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2011

DEPARTMENTS 6 | This Issue The Problem with Aggregates: Can we find a way to make highways green? By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth Watch Peregrine falcons found at Malcolm Bluff Shores; how to nail the perfect picture; on the trail of creeping, crawling and slithering creatures; facing off against the emerald ash borer; a […]

Good Forestry

Temperature Rising Spread -- ON Nature Magazine feature

Douglas Hunter’s fascinating piece “Temperature Rising” [Spring 2007] contained a sidebar that made my temperature rise. The sidebar promotes the erroneous idea that uncontrolled, rapacious logging operations in the boreal forest must be stopped because they are “a cause of global warming.” Included in the sidebar is the statement, “At the same time that greenhouse […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Conservation at many levels. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Five years and $20 million later, it’s business as usual; signs of rebirth for the Ontario park system; wetlands home to Black Terns—and treated effluent; revisions to Escarpment Plan go to cabinet; sustainable forestry gets a boost; is draft […]

Seasons magazine Winter 1992

Seasons magazine Winter 1992

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Are we meddling or making amends? By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Wetlands implementation guidelines fall short; mini-Sewell document from MMA; mixed reviews of “New Planning News”; draft evaluation system scores low; timber operators decline along with white pine; beetle biocontrol is closer; old growth advisory focuses on consumption; […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

DEPARTMENTS 5 | Earth Watch Refuge sought for Beluga whale; herbicides get green light in court; park boundary can’t keep out acid rain; swallows flock to Pembroke; escarpment fate awaits new minister; compromise on parks sinking in; naturalists lose Alfred Bog hearing; Environment Minister charges polluters; forestry undergoes assessment; information on terns wanted by Wildlife […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1983

Seasons Magazine Summer 1983

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch FON aids international efforts; Quetico Park to remain wilderness; planning underway for Nahanni; parks and forestry clash head-on; a better deal for Ontario Indians; FON submits proposed wetland policy; Alfred Bog threatened; progress on Oshawa Second Marsh; gloomy news on Niagara Escarpment; new mineral aggregate policy adopted; how much is […]