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Seasons Magazine Winter 1995

Seasons Magazine Winter 1995

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Calling a halt to the spring bear hunt; Bats only—no gate-crashers allowed; voice of support for the escarpment plan; sustainable-forest plan tested; a chance to protect roadless wilderness; Canada and Mexico protect monarchs; J. Murray Speirs Ecological Reserve is created; update on Presqu’ile plan. 42 | Insider Introducing Eco-net; Petrel […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

DEPARTMENTS 6 | Earth WatchRed Hill Valley road goes through an Environmentally Significant Area; purple loosestrife news; Ontario’s new protected areas; breeding trumpeter swans; Niagara plan changes hands; Presqui’le plan looks for public input. 13 | This SeasonA black fly specialist takes the sting out of June.By Margaret Webb 41 | InsiderPreserving Lyal Island; 350 […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1994

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1994

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Pleased to meet you. By Adam Thomson 7 | Earth Watch Temagami: Just another piece of Crown land; sustaining Crown forests—or timber?; Toronto Islands under attack; revisions to the planning act need revisions; old-growth red and white pine: protected or not?; revised escarpment plan released; Megisan Lake: best option no […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

Seasons Magazine Summer 1994

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Conservation at many levels. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Five years and $20 million later, it’s business as usual; signs of rebirth for the Ontario park system; wetlands home to Black Terns—and treated effluent; revisions to Escarpment Plan go to cabinet; sustainable forestry gets a boost; is draft […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

Seasons Magazine Summer 1991

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Thoughts on our park system. By Mary E. Smith 8 | Notes ONRS seeks records. 9 | Earth Watch Missinaibi a test case for waterway parks; Scotsdale’s old growth logged; more motorboat access sought in Quetico Park; conservation authority builds in wetland; new Trees Act for private lands. 15 | […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1988

Seasons Magazine Spring 1988

DEPARTMENTS 4 | President’s Page From the Federation of Ontario Naturalists. By Charles Pryer 6 | Earth Watch As Canada Geese continue to drown, the use of neck bands is scrutinized; “untaxing nature” legislation unveiled; Grey County creates threat to escarpment plan; Thornton Bales: a test case for the ANSI program; protecting the cucumber tree; […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 1986

Seasons Magazine Spring 1986

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 4 | Earth Watch Highway 89: Keswick Marsh to be degraded to save 13 minutes’ travel time; Niagara Escarpment Commission decision flouts approved Escarpment Plan; no new parks of policies for parks centennial; Environmental Defense Fund launched. 10 | Notes Updates on environmental, wetlands and education […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1985

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1985

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 4 | Earth Watch Government scuttles toxicology centre—then backs independent fund; a new wind at Queen’s park; update on Ontario’s bird reintroduction programs; 18 new provincial parks. 9 | Annual Report 30 | In the Field: Volunteer Projects for Naturalists Christmas bird count. FEATURES 13 | […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1985

Seasons Magazine Summer 1985

DEPARTMENTS 5 | President’s Page By Robert B. Stewart 6 | Earth Watch The urgent need to stop the unfair taxing of lands in their natural state; more shining new parks for the provincial system; latest news on Niagara Escarpment a mixed bag; FON’s report on special wetlands new complete. 10 | Notes Updates on […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

Seasons Magazine Winter 1983

DEPARTMENTS 5 | Earth Watch Refuge sought for Beluga whale; herbicides get green light in court; park boundary can’t keep out acid rain; swallows flock to Pembroke; escarpment fate awaits new minister; compromise on parks sinking in; naturalists lose Alfred Bog hearing; Environment Minister charges polluters; forestry undergoes assessment; information on terns wanted by Wildlife […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1983

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1983

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Federal wildlife guidelines aim to please; MNR weakens on wetlands; MNR fails to defend Alfred Bog; Pukaskwa is officially a National Park; final proposed plan submitted for Niagara escarpment; land use guidelines released; acid rain campaign turns a corner; MNR Obonga Road appealed to environment minister; bald eagles return to […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Autumn 1978

Ontario Naturalist Magazine Autumn 1978

DEPARTMENTS 31 | Annual Meeting Report Held in Thunder Bay. FON Resolutions. Conservation winners. Photo contest winners. 36 | FON News New checklist for plants. 36 | Queen’s Park/From Ottawa Predator control; Nanticoke industrial waste facilities rejected; floodplain policies; new arctic national parks. 39 | Around Ontario Niagara Escarpment: a tragic retreat; OMB to review […]

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 19...

Ontario Naturalist Magazine September 1971

4 | Approaches to Wilderness By Bruce Litteljohn 12 | Bats… Questions, Answers & Issues By M. Brock Fenton 20 | The Niagara Escarpment Study: Implementation of a Resources Study By Leonard O. Gertler 29 | What Good Is It? By Douglas Sadler 32 | Government and the Environment: A Need for Public Participation By […]