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ON Nature Magazine Spring 2016

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2016

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue A river runs through it. By Caroline Schultz 6 | Earth Watch Caribou concerns; controlling sea lamprey; sustainable trail building; reflected lights and bird strikes; master naturalists; protecting the Greenbelt. 34 | Our Community A lasting legacy. 37 | Our Member Groups On the trail with field botanists. 38 | […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2008

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2008

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue The Decline of Biodiversity: Conservation efforts should be proactive for a change. By Caroline Schultz 8 | Earth Watch Birds versus planes: preventing collisions at Pearson airport; round two: saving Second Marsh … again; trash talk: using the Great Lakes as giant waste bins; poor planning: why dig a dump […]

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2006

ON Nature Magazine Winter 2006

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This IssueMoving Day: Ontario Nature takes it downtown.By Victoria Foote 7 | In The MailFine dining. 8 | Earth WatchThe fantastic migration; deep cuts to Ontario Parks’ budget; First Nations block mining exploration. 15 | ProfileThe Numbers Guy: Environmental activist and city councillor Allan Algar has mastered a rare skill; saving habitats […]

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2006

ON Nature Magazine Fall 2006

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Fine dining: Eat what you grow. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Development pushes endangered caribou further north; garlic mustard pushes trees out; eco-tourism outfit pushes back. 15 | Profile The Quiet Passion: With much patience and fortitude, Kathy Nihei of the Wild Bird Care Centre has nursed countless […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2006

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2006

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue Big Thinker: Len Gertler, a planner for nature. By Linda Pim 8 | Earth Watch Loggers in caribou territory; rare birds in your neighbourhood; big blob in Three Mile Lake. 15 | Profile The Quiet Activist: Retired teacher-librarian Betty Learmouth has stared down developers before; now there’s talk of a […]

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2005

ON Nature Magazine Spring 2005

DEPARTMENTS 5 | This Issue One Big Contributor: Saying goodbye to Gregor Beck. By Victoria Foote 8 | Earth Watch Oak Ridges Moraine update; no EA for proposed quarry along Lake Superior; caribou population in decline. 15 | Profile Miracle Worker—Absent for the province since the 1700’s, the trumpeter swan is back thanks to Harry […]

Seasons Magazine Spring 2003

Seasons Magazine Spring 2003

DEPARTMENTS 5 | View from Locke House Wilderness with rules. By Nancy Clark 8 | Earth Watch That’s one cool rock; barrier-free wilderness; Ouellette’s miscue; natural garden pest controls; Marshfield Woods saved; court supports Grey County group on groundwater extraction; Ontario’s species championed by provincial auditor; outdoor education is endangered. 15 | The Seasoned Pro […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1997

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1997

DEPARTMENTS 6 | Earth Watch Garden fit for a monarch; wayward caribou; Windigo Bay road; hiding lead from swans; more roads in parks; game becomes wildlife. 13 | This Season Bob Passmore raises the steaks in this organic harvest. By Cynthia Macdonald 36 | Insider Bert Miller Nature Club wins a award; FON annual report. […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

Seasons Magazine Summer 1997

DEPARTMENTS 6 | Earth WatchRed Hill Valley road goes through an Environmentally Significant Area; purple loosestrife news; Ontario’s new protected areas; breeding trumpeter swans; Niagara plan changes hands; Presqui’le plan looks for public input. 13 | This SeasonA black fly specialist takes the sting out of June.By Margaret Webb 41 | InsiderPreserving Lyal Island; 350 […]

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

Seasons Magazine Winter 1996

DEPARTMENTS 8 | Earth Watch Stalled guidelines hurt Ontario’s caribou; just published: FON’s guide to forest management; international spotlight aimed at Temagami; bald eagles number up, loggerhead shrikes down; our last chance for roadless wilderness; nonprofit corporation to hold forestry licence in Muskoka; new rules apply to forest management. 35 | Insider FON open house […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

Seasons Magazine Summer 1993

DEPARTMENTS 2 | President’s Page Expanding our view of protection. By John Cartwright 7 | Earth Watch Report on Niagara Escarpment plan seriously flawed; timber plan covets prime caribou habitat; wetlands policy already being challenged; how will huge timber cuts affect Quetico. 42 | Notes Final year of fieldwork for provisional Mammal Atlas; update on […]

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1982

Seasons Magazine Autumn 1982

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Salamanders vulnerable to acid rain; wetlands: stand up and be counted; grassroots action to stop acid rain; park’s supporters play the Minister’s game; little games on non-game; peregrine falcon returns—home?; new life for American endangered species; caribou news; in recognition of Canadian rivers; nature club to the rescue. 10 | […]

Seasons Magazine Summer 1981

Seasons Magazine Summer 1981

DEPARTMENTS 4 | Earth Watch Global picture looks grim in 2000; progress on acid rain; hydro clean-up program means more nuclear; Ontario election means new faces; Ontario Wetlands Conference to study policy; national park plans show improvement; Lady Evelyn wilderness wanted by loggers; the economics of parks; peat mining injurious to wetlands. 10 | Notes […]